The Rise of Remote Service Delivery


For the best part of 3 months in the first half of 2020 the world and the way we all have conducted business has dramatically changed.

We’re living in extraordinary times. None of us could have imagined how much all our lives and business across the world would change. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a situation unlike anything most of us have experienced before.

Remote working, although steadily increasing over recent years, has often been met with some doubt and trepidation.  The boundaries were being pushed and the status quo of how we do business was being challenged with advancements in technology, human behaviours and industry driving change and new capabilities.

Literally overnight (or so it feels), the COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses around the world to adapt and operate on a remote basis.

Yes, some things still can’t be done remotely…(yet!) but there’s evidence that a lot can and a lot more than some maybe thought possible on 1st January 2020.

Industries have seen demand and requirement for remote services escalate from a “want” or a “nice to have” to a “need” and some have seen remote service requests rocket by 900%.

Long before coronavirus, CORE had focused on developing tools, resources and methods to work and deliver engineering services on a remote basis.

We can conduct asset and desktop reviews remotely, regardless of where your operation is based, and we’re used to working with and supporting clients around the world on a remote basis.

A recent example of Core delivering projects remotely is the simultaneous alarm rationalisation of seven installations for a client in the Gulf of Mexico. This project involved six associates and covered the complete lifecycle of an alarm project, from the generation of the Terms of Reference document, virtual review sessions, through to the compilation of the Master Alarm Database.

If you require support on a remote basis get in touch with us and see how we can help.