Case Study

Remote Alarm Management Reviews


Core have been undertaking a review of the alarm management systems employed across ten Gulf of Mexico oil platforms with the intention of standardising the alarm systems, hierarchies and prioritisation rationales.


The project has involved a significant amount of offline work with over 1.5million alarms to be reviewed, rule sets deployed, duplicates and decommissioned equipment identified.




Alarm rationalisation is a team effort with multiple disciplines having critical input into the process and with the restrictions required due to COVID-19 new methods of working needed to be employed.



The standard review format that Core has developed for leading teams through the process was designed with remote working in mind.

Rather than convening round table meetings, it was possible to remotely invite the necessary people to an online review and at a time that met the local working hours.

This also extended to having offshore participants take part without the need to travel and be out of rota.




The insight this gave to actual alarm operation by having the operators and systems engineers sitting in front of the DCS/SCADA during the reviews and being able to answer queries immediately gave significant savings in time and effort to the process.



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